Trouble Setting Up a Shared Component (in a Different Package) for 1 or More React Native Apps?
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Trouble Setting Up a Shared Component (in a Different Package) for 1 or More React Native Apps?

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Are you stuck in the trenches, trying to set up a shared component for your React Native apps? Well, buckle up, friend, because we’re about to take that trouble and turn it into triumph!

What’s the Big Deal About Shared Components?

Shared components are like the superheroes of the React Native world. They allow you to reuse code across multiple apps, reducing duplication and increasing efficiency. But, when you try to set them up in a different package, things can get messy.

Why Do We Need a Separate Package?

A separate package is essential when you want to share components across multiple React Native apps. This package will contain the shared component, and each app will import it as needed. It’s like creating a toolbox full of reusable goodies!

Step 1: Create a New Package

Fire up your terminal and create a new package using npm or yarn:

npm init @mycompany/my-shared-components


yarn init @mycompany/my-shared-components

Fill in the required information, and you’ll have a brand new package!

What’s in a Name?

Choose a name that’s unique and descriptive, like `@mycompany/my-shared-components`. This will help you and others identify the package.

Step 2: Set Up the Package Structure

Let’s create the following structure inside your package:


The `components` folder will hold your shared components, and the `index.js` file will export them.

The Magic Happens in the Index.js File

In `index.js`, add the following code to export your components:

export { default as MyButton } from './MyButton';
export { default as MyInput } from './MyInput';

This way, when someone imports from your package, they’ll get the exported components.

Step 3: Build and Publish the Package

Build your package using the following command:

npm run build


yarn build

Then, publish your package to a registry like npm or GitHub Packages:

npm publish


yarn publish

Publishing to npm

If you’re publishing to npm, make sure you’re logged in and have the correct permissions.

Step 4: Install the Package in Your React Native App

Now it’s time to install the package in your React Native app:

npm install @mycompany/my-shared-components


yarn add @mycompany/my-shared-components

Make Sure It’s in Your App’s Package.json

Verify that the package is listed in your app’s `package.json` file:

"dependencies": {
  "@mycompany/my-shared-components": "^1.0.0"

Step 5: Import and Use the Shared Component

Finally, import and use the shared component in your React Native app:

import React from 'react';
import { MyButton } from '@mycompany/my-shared-components';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <MyButton title="Click me!" />

Voilà! You’ve successfully set up and used a shared component from a different package!

Troubleshooting Time!

Encountered some issues? Let’s debug together!

Error Solution
“Cannot find module ‘@mycompany/my-shared-components'” Check if the package is installed and listed in your app’s `package.json` file.
“Error: Unable to resolve module ‘./MyButton’ from ‘index.js'” Verify that the component exists in the `components` folder and is exported correctly in `index.js`.
“Error: Unexpected token ‘export'” Make sure you’re using a compatible JavaScript version and that your build process is set up correctly.


Setting up a shared component in a different package for your React Native apps might seem daunting, but with these steps, you’ll be a pro in no time! Remember to carefully follow the instructions, and if you encounter any issues, refer to our troubleshooting section.

Share your own experiences and tips in the comments below, and happy coding!

Still stuck? Check out these additional resources:

Now, go forth and share those components like a boss!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Trouble setting up a shared component (in a different package) for 1 or more React Native Apps”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Having trouble setting up a shared component for your React Native apps? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t I import the shared component from a different package?

Make sure you have correctly linked the package containing the shared component to your React Native project. You might need to run `npm link` or `yarn link` to create a symlink to the package. Also, double-check that the package is correctly exported and imported in your app.

How do I configure my React Native project to use a shared component from a different package?

In your React Native project, create a `react-native.config.js` file and add the package containing the shared component to the `project.ios.sourceDir` and `` configurations. This will allow your project to find and use the shared component.

What if I have multiple React Native apps that need to use the same shared component?

Create a separate package for the shared component and publish it to a package registry like npm or yarn. Then, in each React Native app, install the package and import the shared component as needed. This way, you can maintain a single source of truth for the shared component and easily update it across multiple apps.

Do I need to use a monorepo or a separate repository for the shared component?

It depends on your project’s requirements and complexity. A monorepo can be beneficial if you have multiple related packages, including the shared component. However, if the shared component is relatively independent, a separate repository might be a better choice, allowing you to maintain and update it independently of your app code.

How do I troubleshoot issues with the shared component not being found or imported correctly?

Check the package’s `index.js` file to ensure the component is correctly exported. Verify that the package is correctly installed and linked to your React Native project. Also, try resetting the cache and rebuilding the project to ensure that the changes are reflected. If all else fails, try debugging the component import process using tools like React Native Debugger or Chrome DevTools.