Unrecognized Tokens in ANTLR: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Xaden - hkhazo.biz.id

Unrecognized Tokens in ANTLR: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of dealing with unrecognized tokens in ANTLR? Do you find yourself stuck in a sea of confusing error messages and cryptic warnings? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of ANTLR’s error listening mechanism and extract that elusive unrecognized token.

What is ANTLR?

ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator tool that helps create parsers, interpreters, and compilers for a wide range of programming languages. It’s a fantastic tool for building language recognizers, but, like any complex system, it can be a bit finicky at times.

The ANTLRErrorListener Interface

The ANTLRErrorListener interface is the key to unlocking the mysteries of ANTLR’s error handling mechanism. This interface provides a way for your application to listen to and respond to syntax errors, semantic errors, and other issues that may arise during the parsing process.

What is an Unrecognized Token?

An unrecognized token is a symbol or character that the lexer cannot recognize as part of the language’s vocabulary. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Typographical errors in the input stream
  • Incorrect or outdated language definitions
  • Lexer configuration issues

In an ideal world, the lexer would neatly categorize each token according to the language definition, but in reality, unrecognized tokens can pop up, causing errors and disruptions in the parsing process.

Getting the Unrecognized Token in an ANTLRErrorListener

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s dive into the main event! To get the unrecognized token in an ANTLRErrorListener, follow these steps:

Step 1: Implement the ANTLRErrorListener Interface

public class MyErrorListener implements ANTLRErrorListener<RecognitionException> {
    // implementation details

In this example, we’re creating a custom error listener class that implements the ANTLRErrorListener interface. The type parameter <RecognitionException> specifies the type of exception we want to listen for.

Step 2: Override the syntaxError() Method

public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) {
    // get the unrecognized token
    Token token = (Token) offEndingSymbol;
    // process the token
    System.out.println("Unrecognized token: " + token.getText());

In this method, we’re overriding the syntaxError() method, which is called whenever a syntax error occurs during parsing. The offEndingSymbol parameter contains the unrecognized token, which we can cast to a Token object. We can then extract the text of the token using the getText() method.

Step 3: Register the Error Listener with the Lexer

Lexer lexer = new MyLexer(input);
lexer.removeErrorListeners(); // remove any default error listeners
lexer.addErrorListener(new MyErrorListener());

In this example, we’re creating a lexer instance and removing any default error listeners. We then add our custom error listener to the lexer using the addErrorListener() method.

Putting it all Together

Here’s the complete code snippet:

public class MyErrorListener implements ANTLRErrorListener<RecognitionException> {
    public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offEndingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) {
        Token token = (Token) offEndingSymbol;
        System.out.println("Unrecognized token: " + token.getText());

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream("input.txt");
        Lexer lexer = new MyLexer(input);
        lexer.addErrorListener(new MyErrorListener());
        Token token;
        while ((token = lexer.nextToken()) != Token.EOF) {
            System.out.println("Token: " + token.getText());

In this example, we’re creating a lexer instance, adding our custom error listener, and parsing the input stream. Whenever an unrecognized token is encountered, the syntaxError() method is called, and we can extract the token text using the offEndingSymbol parameter.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still having trouble getting the unrecognized token, here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Verify that your language definition is correct and up-to-date.
  • Check for any typos or formatting issues in your input stream.
  • Ensure that your error listener is properly registered with the lexer.
  • Use a debugger to step through the parsing process and inspect the token stream.


In conclusion, getting the unrecognized token in an ANTLRErrorListener for a lexer is a straightforward process that requires implementing the ANTLRErrorListener interface, overriding the syntaxError() method, and registering the error listener with the lexer. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be well on your way to taming the beast of ANTLR’s error handling mechanism.

Further Reading

For more information on ANTLR and error handling, we recommend checking out the following resources:

Keyword Syntax Description
ANTLR ANother Tool for Language Recognition A parser generator tool for building language recognizers
ANTLRErrorListener interface ANTLRErrorListener<RecognitionException> An interface for listening to and responding to syntax errors and other issues
RecognitionException RecognitionException A type of exception thrown during parsing
Lexer Lexer lexer = new MyLexer(input); A lexical analyzer that breaks the input stream into individual tokens
Token Token token = (Token) offEndingSymbol; A symbol or character recognized by the lexer as part of the language vocabulary

We hope you found this article informative and helpful in your journey to master ANTLR’s error handling mechanism. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

ANTLR can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about getting the unrecognized token in an ANTLR error listener for a lexer.

Why do I need to get the unrecognized token in an ANTLR error listener?

You need to get the unrecognized token in an ANTLR error listener because it allows you to handle errors more effectively. By knowing what token caused the error, you can provide more informative error messages and improve the overall user experience of your parser.

How do I implement an ANTLR error listener for a lexer?

To implement an ANTLR error listener for a lexer, you need to create a class that implements the ANTLRErrorListener interface. This interface has three methods: syntaxError, reportAmbiguity, and reportAttemptingFullContext. You can override the syntaxError method to handle unrecognized tokens.

What is the syntaxError method in ANTLR error listener?

The syntaxError method is a callback method in ANTLR error listener that is called when the parser encounters a syntax error. It takes four parameters: the recognizer, the offending symbol, the line, and the charPositionInLine. You can use these parameters to get the unrecognized token and handle the error accordingly.

How do I get the unrecognized token in the syntaxError method?

To get the unrecognized token in the syntaxError method, you can use the offending symbol parameter. This parameter is of type Object, so you need to cast it to a Token object. Then, you can use the getText method of the Token object to get the text of the unrecognized token.

What are some common use cases for getting the unrecognized token in an ANTLR error listener?

Some common use cases for getting the unrecognized token in an ANTLR error listener include providing informative error messages, logging errors, and creating a custom error recovery mechanism. By getting the unrecognized token, you can provide more context about the error and improve the overall parsing experience.

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